Low Cost Postage
Direct Mail is a powerful marketing tool and can be highly cost-effective if managed correctly, providing customers with lower costing postage.
Postage makes up a significant portion of the cost of any direct mail campaign and ColorSource is committed to ensuring the lowest possible postage rates for its mail service clients.
Changes In Postage Rates
Postage rates are complicated and the subject of frequent changes. At the USPS website, postage rate tables require 63 pages – and that is only part of the story. Postage discounts and preferred postage rates are designed to reward customers whose bulk mail practices help reduce USPS’s cost of doing business.
The amount of postage paid by ColorSource’s direct mail clients is determined by the degree to which your bulk mailings comply with the rules and regulation regarding bulk and other business mail. Just a few examples include:
- The weight and dimensions of the items being mailed
- The number of addresses in the mailing list
- Whether or not the addresses must be read manually or using USPS automation
- Whether postage is affixed using stamps, labels or imprints
- By proper:
- Barcoding
- sorting
- folding
- tabbing
- delivery to the post office in USPS approved trays
ColorSource’s mail service professionals continually monitor USPS postal requirements, to ensure compliance on your behalf.
Call ColorSource, today, to learn how we can simplify your direct mail activities and reduce what you pay to reach out to your target markets.
We proudly serve Atlantic, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Burlington, Gloucester, Middlesex, Mercer, Monmouth, Ocean, and Salem Counties in New Jersey. In Pennsylvania, we serve Bucks, Delaware, Chester, Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties.