Direct Mail Services That Save Money
Direct mail remains one of the most powerful marketing strategies available to businesses. From printing, data management, address verification software, folding, tabbing, sorting, and keeping up with U.S. Postal Service rules and regulations, ColorSource is committed to your success and saving you money.
Many companies that opt for the “do-it-yourself” approach often find themselves in a sinkhole of unpleasant and costly surprises. Just staying current on USPS rules and requirements is a challenge.
Take advantage of ColorSource’s commitment and expertise by allowing us to support your team in executing your direct mail strategies, or managing your direct mail program from beginning to end.
The Professionals at ColorSource can help by:
- Managing your database by continually updating your lists with the addition of new names and addresses or culling those that are obsolete
- Identifying and/or expanding your target markets
- Designing and printing your brochures, postcards, newsletters and other marketing collateral
- Personalize you mailings with our variable data capabilities for optimal response rates
- Properly addressing your mailings using the specs of the USPS optical reading technology, which helps to minimize postage costs
- Prepping the documents for mailing with our folding, tabbing, and sorting services in compliance with the ever-changing USPS rules and regulations
- Taking optimal advantage of postal discounts available through the USPS
- Delivering the mailers to the Post Office per USPS’ specifications
- Evaluating the success of your direct mail campaign and preparing for changes and modifications
Simplifying Direct Mail Services
As powerful as direct mail campaigns can be, they are anything but simple. Many clients throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania rely on ColorSource to maximize the benefits and minimize direct mail costs, complexity, and frustration.
We proudly serve Atlantic, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Burlington, Gloucester, Middlesex, Mercer, Monmouth, Ocean, and Salem Counties in New Jersey. In Pennsylvania, we serve Bucks, Delaware, Chester, Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties.